Dissemination Corner

Southwark College Successfully hosts an Erasmus+ Event, Cantered on Storytelling for Teaching English as a Second Language. During the Stela project, Multiplier Events for the dissemination of the project results and resources took place in Southwark College in the format of a school staff training and dissemination to stakeholders who were interested in Digital Storytelling Methodologies.

For over 85%of the participants the Stela event was the first Storytelling event, despite that all of them found it clear,logical and easy to follow. The best part of both groups found it helpful to develop skills such as speaking, listening and soft skills as well, less reading and writing.

Benefits of Storytelling Method in ESL Education Using storytelling in education can make learning more engaging, meaningful, and memorable. Whether in the form of traditional oral storytelling, written narratives, digital media, or a combination of these, stories have the potential to transform educational experiences and empower students to become more effective learners and critical

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